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Quick Start

It takes two easy steps and in a couple of minutes, you are off and running with a full-fledged Vue app, built with state-of-the-art best practices via Quasar’s CLI and also ready with Quasar’s own powerful UI library.


If you are a more advanced Vue developer, we invite you to start off by deciding between all Quasar flavours.


Make sure that you have Node >=14 (or any newer LTS Node.js version) and NPM v6+ or Yarn v1 (classic) or PNPM v8+ installed on your machine. Please do not use any odd versions of Node, as these are considered experimental.

Step 1: Create a Project

Enter the following command:

$ yarn create quasar

As the create or init command runs, you’ll be prompted with some options. Depending on your needs, you can select the CLI type (Vite or Webpack) and you can add things like TypeScript support or a different CSS preprocessor. If you are unsure about any of the options, just take the defaults (hit enter) and you’ll be good to go. You can change the options, except for the CLI type, later if you wish.

Optional - Install the Global CLI

For doing more with Quasar, you should also install the global CLI. With it you can directly run Quasar commands in the terminal, run a local http server for testing or do upgrades on your project.

$ yarn global add @quasar/cli

Step 2: Start developing

For the second and last step, navigate into the newly created project folder and run the Quasar CLI command to start the dev server.

$ cd <project_folder_name>
# then run:

# if you have the global CLI:
$ quasar dev
# otherwise:
$ yarn quasar dev # or: npx quasar dev

You’ll see the dev server compiling your new application and once it is finished, your new app should open up in your browser. That’s it! You can now develop your app with your favorite IDE/ Code Editor.

Now What?

If you are new to Quasar and a…

(Beginner Vue) JavaScript Dev - We highly recommend learning Vue.

Intermediate Vue Dev - We recommend getting accustomed to Quasar’s Directory Structure and its different build modes, starting with SSR (the project you built is an SPA).

Advanced Vue Dev - You might want to use Quasar in different scenarios outside of Quasar’s own CLI, then check out the different Quasar Flavours. Or, if you wish to stick with the Quasar CLI, check out the different build modes, starting with SSR and please be sure not to miss out on App Extensions.