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Loading Plugin

Loading is a feature that you can use to display an overlay with a spinner on top of your App’s content to inform the user that a background operation is taking place. No need to add complex logic within your Pages for global background operations.

Loading Loading API...

// quasar.config file

return {
  framework: {
    plugins: [
    config: {
      loading: /* look at QuasarConfOptions from the API card */


Loading uses a delay (500ms) to display itself so that quick operations won’t make the screen flicker. This happens by showing and then quickly hiding the progress spinner without the user having a chance to see what happens. The delay before showing it eliminates confusion.

Inside a Vue component:

import { useQuasar } from 'quasar'

setup () {
  const $q = useQuasar()

    delay: 400 // ms


Outside of a Vue component:

import {

  // optional!, for example below
  // with custom spinner
} from 'quasar'

// default options

// fully customizable
  spinner: QSpinnerGears,
  // other props


Default options

Default options


With message

With customized box


Show and Change

Content sanitization

With unsafe message, but sanitized

Multiple groups in parallel


When you have multiple processes that occur in parallel then you can group Loading instances so that you can manage the Loading state per group (individually).

Specify the group property when spawning each of your Loading instances and you can update or hide them by using the returned function.

Obviously, we can only display one group at a time, so the order in which they are spawned determines the priority in which they are shown (the last one has priority over the previous ones; LIFO).

Multiple groups

You can play with the returning function to show/update/hide the group or just call Loading.show({ group: '..group_name..', ... }) or Loading.hide('..group_name..').

The following two ways are perfectly equivalent (and you can even mix the calls between them):

 * First way

// we spawn the group
const myLoadingGroup = Loading.show({
  group: 'my-group',
  message: 'Some message'

// with params, so we update this group
myLoadingGroup({ message: 'Second message' })

// no params, so we instruct Quasar to hide the group

 * Second, equivalent way

// we spawn the group
  group: 'my-group',
  message: 'Some message'

// we update the group (in this case we need to specify the group name)
  group: 'my-group'
  message: 'Second message'

// we hide this specific group


Please remember that calling Loading.hide() with no parameters will hide all the groups. So if you use groups, you may want to always call the hide() method with a group name.

Setting Up Defaults

Should you wish to set up some defaults, rather than specifying them each time, you can do so by using quasar.config file > framework > config > loading: {…} or by calling Loading.setDefaults({...}) or $q.loading.setDefaults({...}).