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How To Use Vue

Before you begin with Quasar, it is a good idea to get acquainted with ES6 and have a fairly good knowledge about how Vue 3 works. (Quick overview of ES6 and ES6 complete list of features – don’t worry, you don’t need to understand ALL of ES6). For devs experienced with reactive UIs, the Vue 3 documentation itself takes a half-day at most to read top-to-bottom and will help you understand how Quasar components can be used and configured.


If you are a total beginner to Vue and reactive UI libraries and want a good tutorial, we recommend you take a look at Vue and Quasar video tutorials.

After reading the Vue documentation, let’s clear up some of the most frequently asked questions, like “How can I use Quasar components, Vue properties, methods and events”.

Vue Single File Components (SFC)

You’ll be building your Quasar app using *.vue files which contain multiple sections: template (HTML), script (Javascript) and style (CSS/SASS/SCSS/Stylus/Less) all in the same file.

Currently, it is recommended to use Composition API with <script setup>. Check out Vue.js documentation for more information.

  <!-- you define your Vue template here -->

<script setup>
// This is where your Javascript goes
// to define your Vue component, which
// can be a Layout, a Page or your own
// component used throughout the app.

/* This is where your CSS goes */

But you can still use Composition API without <script setup> or Options API if you wish. The only difference is within the <script> tag.

  <!-- you define your Vue template here -->

// This is where your Javascript goes
// to define your Vue component, which
// can be a Layout, a Page or your own
// component used throughout the app.

export default {

/* This is where your CSS goes */

CSS preprocessors

For the <style> tag, you can also use whatever CSS preprocessor you want. Sass/SCSS (recommended) is available out of the box.

You can specify you want your chosen preprocessor to handle the CSS code that you’re writing:

<!-- notice lang="sass" -->
<style lang="sass">
  font-size: 15px

<!-- notice lang="scss" -->
<style lang="scss">
.some-div {
  font-size: 15px;

Using Quasar Directives

Quasar comes with a few custom Vue Directives. These directives can be applied on almost any DOM element or Component.

Example of a Quasar directive:

<div v-ripple>Click Me</div>

Notice how Ripple is used in the HTML template as v-ripple. Vue directives are prefixed with v-.

<div v-touch-pan="handler">...</div>
<div v-touch-swipe="handler">...</div>
<div v-ripple>Click me. I got ripples.</div>

Using Quasar Components

Quasar components have names beginning with “Q” like “QBtn” or “QElementResizeObserver”. In order to use them, you need to add a reference to them in the /quasar.config file.

Let’s take the following example with a QBtn and QIcon and then we’ll see how to embed these components in our app:

  <q-btn @click="doSomething" label="Do something" />
  <q-icon name="alarm" />

Notice how QBtn is used in the Vue HTML template as <q-btn>. If we’d import QElementResizeObserver, then we’d use it in template as <q-element-resize-observer>.

Using Quasar Plugins

Quasar Plugins are features that you can use both in your Vue files as well as outside of them, like Notify, BottomSheet, AppVisibility and so on.


Before using them in your app, you need to add a reference to them in the /quasar.config file (as shown below).

framework: {
  plugins: [ 'Notify', 'BottomSheet' ]

Let’s take Notify as an example and see how we can then use it. In a Vue file, you’d write something like this (Composition API):

      @click="$q.notify('My message')"
      label="Show a notification"

      label="Show another notification"

import { useQuasar } from 'quasar'

export default {
  setup () {
    const $q = useQuasar()

    function showNotification () {
      $q.notify('Some other message')

    return {

Notice that in the template area we’re using $q.<plugin-name>.

An equivalent script section in Options API:

export default {
  methods: {
    showNotification () {
      this.$q.notify('Some other message')

Now let’s see an example of Notify being used outside of a Vue file:

import { Notify } from 'quasar'

// ...
Notify.create('My message')

Self-Closing Tags


Do NOT use self-closing tag form when you are using Quasar UMD version. Your browser is interpreting the HTML before Vue parses your DOM elements, so your HTML syntax must be correct. Unknown tags (like Vue components) cannot be self-closing because your browser will interpret those as if you are opening a tag but never closing it.

Some Quasar components do not need you to include HTML content inside of them. In this case, you can use them as self-closing tags. One example with QIcon below:

<q-icon name="cloud" />

Self-closing means the above template is the equivalent to:

<q-icon name="cloud"></q-icon>

Both forms are valid and can be used, except for UMD where you must explicitly close the tags. It works the same with regular DOM elements:

<div class="col" />
<!-- equivalent to: -->
<div class="col"></div>

Some eslint-plugin-vue linting rules actually enforce using the self-closing syntax.

Handling Vue Properties

Let’s take some examples with a bogus Quasar component (we will call it QBogus) that supports the properties below. We will discuss each of the types of Vue properties in the below sections.

Vue PropertyTypeDescription
infiniteBooleanInfinite slides scrolling
sizeStringThickness of loading bar.
speedNumberHow fast should loading bar update its value (in milliseconds).
columnsObjectObject defining columns (see “Columns Definition” below).
offsetArrayArray with two numbers. Offset on horizontal and vertical (in pixels).

Boolean Property

A boolean property means it only accepts a strictly Boolean value. The values will not be cast to Boolean, so you must ensure you are using a true Boolean.


In Quasar, all Boolean properties have false as the default value. As a result, you don’t have to explictly assign them the false value.

If you are trying to control that property and change it dynamically at runtime, then bind it to a variable in your scope:

  <q-bogus :infinite="myInfiniteVariable" />

import { ref } from 'vue'

export default {
  setup () {
    const myInfiniteVariable = ref(false)
    return {

If, on the other hand, you know this Boolean value is not going to change, you can use the shorthand version of the variable like a component attribute and just specify it. In other words, if you don’t bind the variable to a variable in the component’s scope as it will always be true:

  <q-bogus infinite />

    the following is perfectly valid,
    but it's a longer version
  <q-bogus :infinite="true" />

String Property

As you can imagine, Strings are required as a value for this type of property.

    direct assignment, no need for
    a variable in our scope
  <q-bogus size="24px" />

    we can also bind it to a variable
    in our scope so we can dynamically
    change it
  <q-bogus :size="mySize" />

import { ref } from 'vue'

export default {
  setup () {
    // notice String as value
    const mySize = ref('16px')
    return {

Number Property

    Case 1. Direct assignment.
    Notice the colon (":") before property name.
  <q-bogus :speed="50" />

  <!-- Case 2. Assignment through a scope variable -->
  <q-bogus :speed="myNumber" />

import { ref } from 'vue'

export default {
  setup () {
    // notice Number as value
    const myNumber = ref(50)
    return {

Object Property

  <!-- Case 1. Direct assignment. -->
  <q-bogus :columns="{key: 'value', anotherKey: 'another value'}" />

  <!-- Case 2. Assignment through a scope variable -->
  <q-bogus :columns="myColumns" />

import { ref } from 'vue'

export default {
  setup () {
    const myColumns = ref({
      key: 'value',
      anotherKey: 'another value'

    return { myColumns }

Array Property

  <!-- Case 1. Direct assignment. -->
  <q-bogus :offset="[10, 20]" />

  <!-- Case 2. Assignment through a scope variable -->
  <q-bogus :offset="myOffset" />

export default {
  setup () {
    return {
      myOffset: [10, 20]

Handling Vue Methods

You will notice throughout the documentation that some Quasar components have methods that can be called. Example:

Vue MethodDescription
next()Goes to next slide.
previous(doneFn)Goes to previous slide.
toggleFullscreen()Toggles fullscreen mode.

In order for you to access these methods, you will need to set a Vue reference on the component first. Here’s an example with Composition API:

    Notice ref="myRef". We will use the name
    assigned to "ref" in the script part below
  <q-bogus ref="myRef" />

import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue'

export default {
  setup () {
    const myRef = ref(null)

    // after the component has mounted into DOM:
    onMounted(() => {
      // we call "next()" method of our component
    // calling before mount point might result in errors
    // as Vue hasn't yet prepared the Vue reference

    // we expose myRef to the scope so Vue
    // can use it in the template as well
    return { myRef }

And here is the same example, but with Options API:

    Notice ref="myRef". We will use the name
    assigned to "ref" in the script part below
  <q-bogus ref="myRef" />

export default {
  // we can now access `this.$refs.myRef`
  // an example on the mounted() Vue component hook
  mounted () {
    // calling "next()" method:
  // calling before mount point might result in errors
  // as Vue hasn't yet prepared the Vue reference

Handling Vue Events

You will notice throughout the documentation that some Quasar components have a section called “Vue Events”.

Example of “Vue Events”:

Event NameDescription
@showTriggered right after the Modal is shown.
@hideTriggered right after the Modal is hidden.

In order for you to catch these events, when they are triggered, you will need to add listeners for them on the component itself in the HTML template. Here’s an example:

  <q-bogus @show="doSomething" @hide="doSomethingElse" />

export default {
  setup () {
    function doSomething () {
      // this method has been called (in this case)
      // because @show event was triggered by QBogus component

    function doSomethingElse () {
      // this method has been called (in this case)
      // because @hide event was triggered by QBogus component

    return {