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App Extension Install API

This page refers to src/install.js file which is executed on the installation of the App Extension only. Not all App Extensions will need an install – this is an optional step.

Example of basic structure of the file:

// can be async
export default function (api) {
  // props and methods for "api" Object
  // are described below


Contains the Quasar CLI engine (as String) being used. Examples: @quasar/app-vite or @quasar/app-webpack.


Boolean - is running on @quasar/app-vite or not.


Boolean - is running on @quasar/app-webpack or not.


Contains the ext-id (String) of this App Extension.


Is an Object which has the answers to the prompts when this App Extension gets installed. For more info on prompts, check out Prompts API.


Resolves paths within the app on which this App Extension is running. Eliminates the need to import path and resolve the paths yourself.

// resolves to root of app

// resolves to root/src of app

// resolves to root/public of app
// (@quasar/app-webpack v3.4+ or @quasar/app-vite v1+)

// resolves to root/src-pwa of app

// resolves to root/src-ssr of app

// resolves to root/src-cordova of app

// resolves to root/src-electron of app

// resolves to root/src-bex of app


Contains the full path (String) to the root of the app on which this App Extension is running.

@quasar/app-vite 1.6+
@quasar/app-webpack 3.11+

 * @return {Promise<boolean>} host project has Typescript active or not
await api.hasTypescript()

@quasar/app-vite 1.6+
@quasar/app-webpack 3.11+

 * @return {Promise<boolean>} host project has ESLint or not
await api.hasLint()

@quasar/app-vite 1.6+
@quasar/app-webpack 3.11+

 * @return {Promise<string|undefined>} 'pinia' | 'vuex' | undefined
await api.getStorePackageName()

@quasar/app-vite 1.6+
@quasar/app-webpack 3.11+

 * @return {Promise<'npm' | 'yarn' | 'pnpm' | 'bun'>}
await api.getNodePackagerName()


Ensure the App Extension is compatible with a package installed in the host app through a semver condition.

If the semver condition is not met, then Quasar CLI errors out and halts execution.

Example of semver condition: '1.x || >=2.5.0 || 5.0.0 - 7.2.3'.

 * @param {string} packageName
 * @param {string} semverCondition
api.compatibleWith(packageName, '1.x')
A more complex example:

if (api.hasVite === true) {
  api.compatibleWith('@quasar/app-vite', '^2.0.0')
else {
  api.compatbileWith('@quasar/app-webpack', '^4.0.0')


Determine if some package is installed in the host app through a semver condition.

Example of semver condition: '1.x || >=2.5.0 || 5.0.0 - 7.2.3'.

 * @param {string} packageName
 * @param {string} (optional) semverCondition
 * @return {boolean} package is installed and meets optional semver condition
if (api.hasPackage('vuelidate')) {
  // hey, this app has it (any version of it)
if (api.hasPackage('quasar', '^2.0.0')) {
  // hey, this app has Quasar UI v2 installed


Check if another app extension is npm installed and Quasar CLI has invoked it.

 * Check if another app extension is installed
 * @param {string} extId
 * @return {boolean} has the extension installed & invoked
if (api.hasExtension(extId)) {
  // hey, we have it


Get the version of a host app package.

 * @param {string} packageName
 * @return {string|undefined} version of app's package
console.log( api.getPackageVersion(packageName) )
// output examples:
//   1.1.3
//   undefined (when package not found)


Helper method to extend package.json with new props. If specifying existing props, it will override them.

 * @param {object|string} extPkg - Object to extend with or relative path to a JSON file
  scripts: {
    'electron': 'quasar dev -m electron'

The above example adds an npm script to the app’s package.json, so you can then execute yarn electron (or the equivalent npm run electron).


Extend a JSON file with new props (deep merge). If specifying existing props, it will override them.

 * @param {string} file (relative path to app root folder)
 * @param {object} newData (Object to merge in)
api.extendJsonFile('src/some.json', {
  newProp: 'some-value'


Renders (copies) a folder from your App Extension templates (any folder you specify) into root of the app. Maintains the same folder structure that the template folder has.

If some of the files already exist in the app then it will ask the user if they should be overwritten or not.

Needs a relative path to the folder of the file calling render().

 * Render a folder from extension templates into devland
 * Needs a path (to a folder) relative to the path of the file where render() is called
 * @param {string} templatePath (relative path to folder to render in app)
 * @param {object} scope (optional; rendering scope variables)

Filename edge cases

If you want to render a template file that either begins with a dot (i.e. .env) you will have to follow a specific naming convention, since dotfiles are ignored when publishing your plugin to npm:

# templates containing dotfiles must use an
# underscore instead of the dot in their names:


# When calling api.render('./some-folder'), this will be
# rendered in the project folder as:


If you want to render a file whose name actually begins with an underscore, then the filename must begin with __ (two underscore characters instead of only one):


# When calling api.render('./template'), this will be
# rendered in the project folder as:


Using scope

You can also inject some decision-making code into the files to be rendered by interpolating with lodash/template syntax.



// (my-folder is located in same folder as
// the file in which following call takes place)
api.render('./my-folder', {
  prompts: api.prompts

Let’s imagine we use a Prompts API file too. It asks the user if he/she wants “Feature X” and stores the answer in a variable called “featureX”.

We can take some decisions on what the files that we render look like, during rendering them. This removes the need of creating two folders and deciding which to render, based on some decision.


<% if (prompts.featureX) { %>
const message = 'This is content when "Feature X" exists'
<% } else { %>
const message = 'This is content when we don\'t have "Feature X"'
<% } %>

Possibilities are limited only by your imagination.


Similar with api.render() with the difference that this method renders a single file.

 * Render a file from extension template into devland
 * Needs a path (to a file) relative to the path of the file where renderFile() is called
 * @param {string} relativeSourcePath (file path relative to the folder from which the install script is called)
 * @param {string} relativeTargetPath (file path relative to the root of the app -- including filename!)
 * @param {object} scope (optional; rendering scope variables)
api.renderFile('./path/to/a/template/filename', 'path/relative/to/app/root/filename', {
  prompts: api.prompts

api.renderFile('./my-file.json', 'src/my-file.json')


Get the internal persistent config of this extension. Returns empty object if it has none.

 * @return {object} cfg


Set the internal persistent config of this extension. If it already exists, it is overwritten.

 * @param {object} cfg
  // ....


Deep merge into the internal persistent config of this extension. If extension does not have any config already set, this is essentially equivalent to setting it for the first time.

 * @param {object} cfg
  // ....


Adds a message to be printed after App CLI finishes up installing the App Extension and is about to exit. Can be called multiple times to register multiple exit logs.

 * @param {string} msg
api.onExitLog('Thanks for installing my awesome extension')