This guide is for when you want to ensure that a Webpack Loader is chained into the hosting app, because you depend on it for your own App Extension to work. We are assuming we will release this App Extension for @quasar/app-webpack
, as it does not makes sense for @quasar/app-vite
(which does not uses Webpack at all).
In order for creating an App Extension project folder, please first read the Development Guide > Introduction.
Full Example
To see an example of what we will build, head over to full example, which is a GitHub repo with this App Extension.
We will only need the /index.js script for this, because we can use the Index API to configure the quasar.config file from the host app to include our Webpack chaining.
And /index.js would look like this:
export default function (api) {
// (Optional!)
// Quasar compatibility check; you may need
// hard dependencies, as in a minimum version of the "quasar"
// package or a minimum version of Quasar App CLI
api.compatibleWith('quasar', '^2.0.0')
api.compatibleWith('@quasar/app-webpack', '^4.0.0')
// chain webpack
api.chainWebpack((chain) => chainWebpack(api.ctx, chain))
Our “chainWebpack” method, in the same file as above:
import MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it'
const md = new MarkdownIt()
const chainWebpack = (ctx, chain) => {
const rule = chain.module.rule('md')
transformAssetUrls: {
video: 'src',
source: 'src',
img: 'src',
image: 'xlink:href'
raw: true,
middleware: function (source) {
// use markdown-it to render the markdown file to html, then
// surround the output of that that with Vue template syntax
// so it can be processed by the 'vue-loader'
return `<template><div>${md.render(source)}</div></template>`