Familiarize yourself with the list of available commands inside a Quasar project:
$ quasar -h
Example usage
$ quasar <command> <options>
Help for a command
$ quasar <command> --help
$ quasar <command> -h
--version, -v Print Quasar App CLI version
dev, d Start a dev server for your App
build, b Build your app for production
prepare, p Prepare the app for linting, type-checking, IDE integration, etc.
clean, c Clean dev/build cache, /dist folder & entry points
new, n Quickly scaffold page/layout/component/... vue file
mode, m Add/remove Quasar Modes for your App
inspect Inspect Webpack/Esbuild configs used under the hood
- keeps into account your quasar.config file
and your installed App Extensions
ext, e Manage Quasar App Extensions
run, r Run specific command provided by an installed
Quasar App Extension
describe Describe a Quasar API (component)
info, i Display info about your machine and your App
help, h Displays this message
If the specified command is not found, then "quasar run"
will be executed with the provided arguments.
Commands supplied by @quasar/cli global installation:
upgrade Check (and optionally) upgrade Quasar packages
from a Quasar project folder
serve Create an ad-hoc server on App's distributables
See help for any command:
$ quasar [command name] --help
Check (and optionally) upgrade Quasar packages from a Quasar project folder:
# view all options:
$ quasar upgrade -h
# checks for non-breaking change upgrades and displays them,
# but will not carry out the install
$ quasar upgrade
# checks for pre-releases (alpha/beta):
$ quasar upgrade -p
# checks for major new releases (includes breaking changes):
$ quasar upgrade -m
# use another npm registry url than what your machine is configured with:
# (added in @quasar/cli v2.4)
$ quasar upgrade -r https://registry.npmjs.org/
# to perform the actual upgrade,
# combine any of the params above and add "-i" (or "--install"):
$ quasar upgrade -i
Note for code editor terminals
If you’re using a code editor terminal instead of the real one, you run quasar upgrade
and get an error Command not found or @quasar/cli version appears to be undefined, you will need to go to the settings of your code editor terminal and untick the option (or its equivalent) Add ‘node_modules/.bin’ from the project root to %PATH% then restart your code editor.
The Quasar CLI is equipped with a stable combination of multiple NPM build packages (Webpack, Vue, etc) which gets updated frequently after heavy testing.
In order for you to see what versions of Node, Quasar CLI, Quasar, Vue (and many others) you are using, issue this command in a Quasar project folder:
$ quasar info
$ quasar dev -h
Starts the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error
reporting, etc)
$ quasar dev
$ quasar dev -p <port number>
$ quasar dev -m ssr
# alias for "quasar dev -m capacitor -T ios"
$ quasar dev -m ios
# alias for "quasar dev -m capacitor -T android"
$ quasar dev -m android
# passing extra parameters and/or options to
# underlying "cordova" or "electron" executables:
$ quasar dev -m cordova -T ios -- some params --and options --here
$ quasar dev -m electron -- --no-sandbox --disable-setuid-sandbox
# when on Windows and using Powershell:
$ quasar dev -m cordova -T ios '--' some params --and options --here
$ quasar dev -m electron '--' --no-sandbox --disable-setuid-sandbox
--mode, -m App mode [spa|ssr|pwa|cordova|capacitor|electron|bex] (default: spa)
--port, -p A port number on which to start the application
--devtools, -d Open remote Vue Devtools
--hostname, -H A hostname to use for serving the application
--help, -h Displays this message
Only for Cordova mode:
--target, -T (required) App target [android|ios]
--emulator, -e (optional) Emulator name
Examples: iPhone-7, iPhone-X
--ide, -i Open IDE (Android Studio / XCode) instead of letting Cordova
boot up the emulator / building in terminal, in which case
the "--emulator" param will have no effect
Only for Capacitor mode:
--target, -T (required) App target [android|ios]
Only for BEX mode:
--target, -T (required) Browser family target [chrome|firefox]
The Quasar development server allows you to develop your App by compiling and maintaining code in-memory. A web server will serve your App while offering hot-reload out of the box. Running in-memory offers faster rebuilds when you change your code.
Hot Reload is much more than just refreshing your browser when code changes. It skips the refresh and updates your code on the fly, while maintaining your App’s state (like your Vue’s model data). Please note that there are cases when this is impossible, so the dev webserver will simply refresh your browser. (Always ensure you are running only one instance of Quasar CLI at a time, otherwise Hot-Reload and other stuff will break!)
Based on what you want to develop, you can start the development server by using “quasar dev” command as follows:
# Developing a SPA
$ quasar dev
# ...or
$ quasar dev -m spa
# Developing for SSR
$ quasar dev -m ssr
# Developing a PWA
$ quasar dev -m pwa
# Developing a BEX for production
$ quasar dev -m bex
# Developing a Mobile App (through Cordova)
$ quasar dev -m cordova -T [android|ios]
# or the short form:
$ quasar dev -m [android|ios]
# Developing an Electron App
$ quasar dev -m electron
# Developing a Browser Extension (BEX)
$ quasar dev -m bex -T [chrome|firefox]
# passing extra parameters and/or options to
# underlying "cordova" or "electron" executables:
$ quasar dev -m ios -- some params --and options --here
$ quasar dev -m electron -- --no-sandbox --disable-setuid-sandbox
# when on Windows and using Powershell:
$ quasar dev -m ios '--' some params --and options --here
$ quasar dev -m electron '--' --no-sandbox --disable-setuid-sandbox
If you wish to change the hostname or port serving your App you have 3 options:
- Edit the
file:devServer: { host: '...', port: ... }
content_paste - Through ‘-H’ (hostname) and ‘-p’ (port) command options.
- If this is a one time thing, specify the hostname and/or port as an environment variable:
$ PORT=3000 quasar dev $ HOSTNAME= quasar dev
If there appears to be an issue with hot reload, you can try two fixes:
Change the permissions for the project folder with
sudo chown -R username: .
content_pasteor run the dev server with root privileges
sudo quasar dev
$ quasar build -h
Builds distributables of your app.
$ quasar build
$ quasar build -p <port number>
$ quasar build -m ssr
# alias for "quasar build -m cordova -T ios"
$ quasar build -m ios
# alias for "quasar build -m cordova -T android"
$ quasar build -m android
# passing extra parameters and/or options to
# underlying "cordova" executable:
$ quasar build -m ios -- some params --and options --here
# when on Windows and using Powershell:
$ quasar build -m ios '--' some params --and options --here
--mode, -m App mode [spa|ssr|pwa|cordova|capacitor|electron|bex] (default: spa)
--target, -T App target
- Cordova (default: all installed)
- Capacitor
- Electron with default "@electron/packager" bundler (default: yours)
- Electron with "electron-builder" bundler (default: yours)
- Bex
--publish, -P Also trigger publishing hooks (if any are specified)
- Has special meaning when building with Electron mode and using
electron-builder as bundler
--debug, -d Build for debugging purposes
--skip-pkg, -s Build only UI (skips creating Cordova/Capacitor/Electron executables)
- Cordova (it only fills in /src-cordova/www folder with the UI code)
- Capacitor (it only fills in /src-capacitor/www folder with the UI code)
- Electron (it only creates the /dist/electron/UnPackaged folder)
--help, -h Displays this message
ONLY for Cordova and Capacitor mode:
--ide, -i Open IDE (Android Studio / XCode) instead of finalizing with a
terminal/console-only build
ONLY for Electron mode:
--bundler, -b Bundler (@electron/packager or electron-builder)
--arch, -A App architecture (default: yours)
- with default "@electron/packager" bundler:
- with "electron-builder" bundler:
ONLY for electron-builder (when using "publish" parameter):
--publish, -P Publish options [onTag|onTagOrDraft|always|never]
- see https://www.electron.build/configuration/publish
Only for BEX mode:
--target, -T (required) Browser family target [chrome|firefox]
The Quasar CLI can pack everything together and optimize your App for production. It minifies source code, extracts vendor components, leverages browser cache and much more.
# Build a SPA for production
$ quasar build
# ...or
$ quasar build -m spa
# Build a SSR for production
$ quasar build -m ssr
# Build a PWA for production
$ quasar build -m pwa
# Build a BEX for production
$ quasar build -m bex -T [chrome|firefox]
# Build a Mobile App (through Cordova)
$ quasar build -m cordova -T [android|ios]
# or the short form:
$ quasar build -m [android|ios]
# Build an Electron App for production
$ quasar build -m electron
# passing extra parameters and/or options to
# underlying "cordova" executable:
$ quasar build -m ios -- some params --and options --here
# when on Windows and using Powershell:
$ quasar build -m ios '--' some params --and options --here
# Create a production build with ability to debug it
# (has source-maps and code is NOT minified)
$ quasar build -d [-m <mode>]
Prepares your project folder for the IDE, making autocompletion and other IDE features work correctly.
$ quasar prepare
Cleans up all the build assets:
$ quasar clean
# requires "quasar prepare" to be called again
Generates Components, Pages, Layouts, Pinia Store.
This command is simply a helper in order to quickly scaffold a page/layout/component/pinia store module. You are not required to use it, but can help you when you don’t know how to start.
$ quasar new -h
Quickly scaffold files.
$ quasar new <p|page> [-f <js|ts>] <page_file_name>
$ quasar new <l|layout> [-f <js|ts>] <layout_file_name>
$ quasar new <c|component> [-f <js|ts>] <component_file_name>
$ quasar new <b|boot> [-f <js|ts>] <boot_name>
$ quasar new <s|store> [-f <js|ts>] <store_module_name>
$ quasar new ssrmiddleware [-f <js|ts>] <middleware_name>
# Create src/pages/MyNewPage.vue:
$ quasar new p MyNewPage
# Create src/pages/MyNewPage.vue and src/pages/OtherPage.vue:
$ quasar new p MyNewPage OtherPage
# Create src/layouts/shop/Checkout.vue
$ quasar new layout shop/Checkout.vue
# Create src/layouts/shop/Checkout.vue (forcing TypeScript)
$ quasar new layout -f ts shop/Checkout.vue
# Create a store with TypeScript (-f ts is optional if tsconfig.json is present)
$ quasar new store -f ts myStore
--help, -h Displays this message
--format -f <option> (optional) Use a supported format for the template.
This gets inferred automatically for your project.
Possible overriding values:
* js - JS template
* ts - TS template
$ quasar mode -h
Add/Remove support for PWA / BEX / Cordova / Capacitor / Electron modes.
$ quasar mode [add|remove] [pwa|ssr|bex|cordova|capacitor|electron] [--yes]
# determine what modes are currently installed:
$ quasar mode
--yes, -y Skips the "Are you sure?" question
when removing a Quasar mode
--help, -h Displays this message
When you initialize a project with the CLI, you can build SPA (Single Page Website/Application), SSR (Server-side Render Website/Application with optional PWA client takeover), PWA (Progressive Web App), Mobile App (through Cordova), and/or Electron Apps. When you develop for SSR, PWA, Cordova or Electron, you need these modes installed. If you issue “quasar dev” or “quasar build” they will automatically be installed.
These modes will add a “src-*” folder into your project with very specific code for it:
Folder | Mode | Description |
src-ssr | ssr | Contains the production Node server files. |
src-pwa | pwa | Contains the Service Worker file that you can tweak. |
src-cordova | cordova | Is a Cordova project folder that will be using your ‘src’ as content. Tweak Cordova config, add/remove platforms, splash screens, Cordova plugins and so on from this folder. Do NOT touch “src-cordova/www” folder though as it will get overwritten at every build. |
src-electron | electron | Has code for the main Electron thread. The renderer thread will be your app in ‘src’. |
src-bex | bex | Contains the specific files for Browser Extensions mode. |
If for some reason you decide you don’t need a mode, you can remove it. This will permanently delete the respective “src-*” folder.
$ quasar mode remove pwa
This command is useful to describe the API of any Quasar components/directives/plugins that your project is using. It is specific to your Quasar version installed in your project folder.
Examples: $ quasar describe QIcon
, $ quasar describe TouchPan
, $ quasar describe Cookies
$ quasar describe -h
Describes a component API for project's Quasar version being used
$ quasar describe <component/directive/Quasar plugin>
# list all available API entries:
$ quasar describe list
# list available API entries that contain a String (ex "storage"):
$ quasar describe list storage
# display everything:
$ quasar describe QIcon
# displaying only props:
$ quasar describe QIcon -p
# displaying props and methods only:
$ quasar describe QIcon -p -m
# filtering by "si":
$ quasar describe QIcon -f si
# filtering only props by "co":
$ quasar describe QIcon -p -f co
# Open docs URL:
$ quasar describe QIcon -d
--filter, -f <filter> Filters the API
--props, -p Displays the API props
--slots, -s Displays the API slots
--events, -e Displays the API events
--methods, -m Displays the API methods
--computedProps, -c Displays the API computed props
--value, -v Displays the API value
--arg, -a Displays the API arg
--modifiers, -M Displays the API modifiers
--injection, -i Displays the API injection
--quasar, -q Displays the API quasar conf options
--docs, -d Opens the docs API URL
--help, -h Displays this message
$ quasar describe QIcon
Describing QIcon component API
Description is based on your project's Quasar version
name (String)
Description: Name of the icon, following Quasar convention
color (String)
Description: Color name for component from the Quasar Color Palette
size (String)
Description: Size in CSS units, including unit name
left (Boolean)
Description: Apply a standard margin on the left side. Useful if icon is on the right side of something.
right (Boolean)
Description: Apply a standard margin on the right side. Useful if icon is on the left side of something.
Suggestions: QTooltip or QMenu
Scoped Slots
*No scoped slots*
*No events*
*No methods*
This command can be used to inspect the Webpack config generated by Quasar CLI.
$ quasar inspect -h
Inspect Quasar generated Webpack/Esbuild config
$ quasar inspect
$ quasar inspect -c build
$ quasar inspect -m electron -p 'build.outDir'
--cmd, -c Quasar command [dev|build] (default: dev)
--mode, -m App mode [spa|ssr|pwa|bex|cordova|capacitor|electron] (default: spa)
--depth, -d Number of levels deep (default: 2)
--path, -p Path of config in dot notation
-p module.rules
-p plugins
--thread, -t Display only one specific app mode config thread
--help, -h Displays this message
This command is used to manage App Extensions.
$ quasar ext -h
Manage Quasar App Extensions
# display list of installed extensions
$ quasar ext
# Add Quasar App Extension
$ quasar ext add <ext-id>
# Remove Quasar App Extension
$ quasar ext remove <ext-id>
# Add Quasar App Extension, but
# skip installing the npm package
# (assumes it's already installed)
$ quasar ext invoke <ext-id>
# Remove Quasar App Extension, but
# skip uninstalling the npm package
$ quasar ext uninvoke <ext-id>
--help, -h Displays this message
This command is used to run commands supplied by the App Extensions that you’ve installed into your project folder.
$ quasar run -h
Run app extension provided commands
$ quasar run <extension-id> <cmd> [args, params]
$ quasar <extension-id> <cmd> [args, params]
$ quasar run iconify create pic -s --mark some_file
$ quasar iconify create pic -s --mark some_file
# Note: "iconify" is an example and not a real extension.
# Looks for installed extension called "iconify"
# (quasar-app-extension-iconify extension package)
# and runs its custom defined "create" command
# with "pic" argument and "-s --mark some_file" params
--help, -h Displays this message
This command can be used in production too and it is being supplied by the global installation of @quasar/cli
$ quasar serve -h
Start a HTTP(S) server on a folder.
$ quasar serve [path]
$ quasar serve . # serve current folder
If you serve a SSR folder built with the CLI then
control is yielded to /index.js and params have no effect.
--port, -p Port to use (default: 4000)
--hostname, -H Address to use (default:
--gzip, -g Compress content (default: true)
--silent, -s Suppress log message
--colors Log messages with colors (default: true)
--open, -o Open browser window after starting
--cache, -c <number> Cache time (max-age) in seconds;
Does not apply to /service-worker.js
(default: 86400 - 24 hours)
--micro, -m <seconds> Use micro-cache (default: 1 second)
--history Use history api fallback;
All requests fallback to /index.html,
unless using "--index" parameter
--index, -i <file> History mode (only!) index url path
(default: index.html)
--https Enable HTTPS
--cert, -C [path] Path to SSL cert file (Optional)
--key, -K [path] Path to SSL key file (Optional)
--proxy <file.mjs> Proxy specific requests defined in file;
File must export Array ({ path, rule })
See example below. "rule" is defined at:
--cors Enable CORS for all requests
--help, -h Displays this message
Proxy file example
export default [
path: '/api',
rule: { target: 'http://www.example.org' }
--> will be transformed into app.use(path, httpProxyMiddleware(rule))
Custom Node server
When building a SPA or PWA, the distributable folder can be served by any static webserver. To test it out (assuming you don’t have a specific publicPath or not using Vue Router “history” mode), you can use the “http-server” npm package.
Or you can build your own server. Here are some examples:
// when using default Vue Router "hash" mode
import express from 'express'
import serveStatic from 'serve-static'
const port = process.env.PORT || 5000
const app = express()
// when using Vue Router "history" mode
import express from 'express'
import serveStatic from 'serve-static'
import history from 'connect-history-api-fallback'
const port = process.env.PORT || 5000
const app = express()
If you need URL rewrites of API, or simply put you want to proxy your API requests, then you can use “http-proxy-middleware” package:
// add this to one of the two previous examples:
import { createProxyMiddleware } from 'http-proxy-middleware'
// ...
app.use('/api', createProxyMiddleware({
target: `http://my-api.com:5050`,
pathRewrite: {"^/api" : ""}
// then app.listen(...)
Finally, run one of these files:
$ node my-server.js