This page refers to src/index.js
file, which is executed on quasar dev
and quasar build
. This is the main process where you can modify the build to suit the needs of your App Extension. For instance, registering a boot file, modifying the webpack process, registering CSS, registering a UI component, registering a Quasar CLI command, etc.
Example of basic structure of the file:
// can be async
export default function (api) {
// props & methods for "api" Object described below
Same as the ctx
from the /quasar.config
file. Helps you make decisions based on the context in which quasar dev
or quasar build
Example: You might want to use one of the api methods if running for electron mode only.
if ( === true && api.ctx.mode.electron === true) {
api.beforeDev((api) => {
// do something when running quasar dev and
// with Electron mode
Contains the Quasar CLI engine (as String) being used. Examples: @quasar/app-vite
or @quasar/app-webpack
Boolean - is running on @quasar/app-vite
or not.
Boolean - is running on @quasar/app-webpack
or not.
Contains the ext-id
(String) of this App Extension.
Is an Object which has the answers to the prompts when this App Extension got installed. For more info on prompts, check out Prompts API.
Resolves paths within the app on which this App Extension is running. Eliminates the need to import path
and resolve the paths yourself.
// resolves to root of app'src/my-file.js')
// resolves to root/src of app
// resolves to root/public of app
// (@quasar/app-webpack v3.4+ or @quasar/app-vite v1+)
// resolves to root/src-pwa of app
// resolves to root/src-ssr of app
// resolves to root/src-cordova of app
// resolves to root/src-electron of app
// resolves to root/src-electron of app
// resolves to root/src-bex of app
Contains the full path (String) to the root of the app on which this App Extension is running.
api.hasTypescript @quasar/app-vite 1.6+ @quasar/app-webpack 3.11+
* @return {Promise<boolean>} host project has Typescript active or not
await api.hasTypescript()
api.hasLint @quasar/app-vite 1.6+ @quasar/app-webpack 3.11+
* @return {Promise<boolean>} host project has ESLint or not
await api.hasLint()
api.getStorePackageName @quasar/app-vite 1.6+ @quasar/app-webpack 3.11+
* @return {Promise<string|undefined>} 'pinia' | 'vuex' | undefined
await api.getStorePackageName()
api.getNodePackagerName @quasar/app-vite 1.6+ @quasar/app-webpack 3.11+
* @return {Promise<'npm' | 'yarn' | 'pnpm' | 'bun'>}
await api.getNodePackagerName()
Ensure the App Extension is compatible with a package installed in the host app through a semver condition.
If the semver condition is not met, then @quasar/app errors out and halts execution.
Example of semver condition: '1.x || >=2.5.0 || 5.0.0 - 7.2.3'
* @param {string} packageName
* @param {string} semverCondition
api.compatibleWith('@quasar/app', '1.x')
if (api.hasVite === true) {
api.compatibleWith('@quasar/app-vite', '^2.0.0')
else {
api.compatbileWith('@quasar/app-webpack', '^4.0.0')
Determine if some package is installed in the host app through a semver condition.
Example of semver condition: '1.x || >=2.5.0 || 5.0.0 - 7.2.3'
* @param {string} packageName
* @param {string} (optional) semverCondition
* @return {boolean} package is installed and meets optional semver condition
if (api.hasPackage('vuelidate')) {
// hey, this app has it (any version of it)
if (api.hasPackage('quasar', '^2.0.0')) {
// hey, this app has Quasar UI v2 installed
Check if another app extension is npm installed and Quasar CLI has invoked it.
* Check if another app extension is installed
* @param {string} extId
* @return {boolean} has the extension installed & invoked
if (api.hasExtension(extId)) {
// hey, we have it
Get the version of a host app package.
* @param {string} packageName
* @return {string|undefined} version of app's package
console.log( api.getPackageVersion(packageName) )
// output examples:
// 1.1.3
// undefined (when package not found)
Extends quasar.config file
* @param {function} fn
* (cfg: Object, ctx: Object) => undefined
api.extendQuasarConf ((conf, api) => {
// do something with quasar.config file:
// add, change anything
api.extendQuasarConf ((conf, api) => {
if (api.hasVite === true) {
// do something with quasar.config file that is specific
// to @quasar/app-vite
else { // api.hasWebpack === true
// do something with quasar.config file that is specific
// to @quasar/app-webpack
Registering boot and css files
export default function (api, ctx) {
api.extendQuasarConf((conf, api) => {
// make sure my-ext boot file is registered
if (api.hasVite !== true) {
// make sure boot file transpiles[\\/]src[\\/]boot/)
// if boot file imports anything, make sure that
// the regex above matches those files too!
// make sure my-ext css goes through webpack
Notice the tidle (~
) in front of the paths. This tells Quasar CLI that the path is a dependency from node_modules instead of a relative path to App Extension index script file.
Register a command that will become available as quasar run <ext-id> <cmd> [args]
(or the short form: quasar <ext-id> <cmd> [args]
* @param {string} commandName
* @param {function} fn
* ({ args: [ string, ... ], params: {object} }) => ?Promise
api.registerCommand('start', ({ args, params }) => {
// do something here
// this registers the "start" command
// and this handler is executed when running
// $ quasar run <ext-id> start
Register an API file for $ quasar describe
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} relativePath
* (relative path starting from the file where you have this call)
The above will then respond to $ quasar describe MyComponent
For syntax of such a JSON file, look into /node_modules/quasar/dist/api
(in your project folder). Be aware that your JSON must contain a type
property (“component”, “directive”, “plugin”). For instance:
"type": "component",
"props": {
Always test with the quasar describe
command to ensure you got the syntax right and there are no errors.
Get the internal persistent config of this extension. Returns empty object if it has none.
* @return {object} cfg
Set the internal persistent config of this extension. If it already exists, it is overwritten.
* @param {object} cfg
// ....
Deep merge into the internal persistent config of this extension. If extension does not have any config already set, this is essentially equivalent to setting it for the first time.
* @param {object} cfg
// ....
Prepare external services before $ quasar dev
command runs, like starting some backend or any other service that the app relies on.
Can use async/await or directly return a Promise.
* @param {function} fn
* (api, { quasarConf }) => ?Promise
api.beforeDev((api, { quasarConf }) => {
// do something
Run hook after Quasar dev server is started ($ quasar build
). At this point, the dev server has been started and is available should you wish to do something with it.
Can use async/await or directly return a Promise.
* @param {function} fn
* (api, { quasarConf }) => ?Promise
api.afterDev((api, { quasarConf }) => {
// do something
Run hook before Quasar builds app for production ($ quasar build
). At this point, the distributables folder hasn’t been created yet.
Can use async/await or directly return a Promise.
* @param {function} fn
* (api, { quasarConf }) => ?Promise
api.beforeBuild((api, { quasarConf }) => {
// do something
Run hook after Quasar built app for production ($ quasar build
). At this point, the distributables folder has been created and is available should you wish to do something with it.
Can use async/await or directly return a Promise.
* @param {function} fn
* (api, { quasarConf }) => ?Promise
api.afterBuild((api, { quasarConf }) => {
// do something
Run hook if publishing was requested ($ quasar build -P
), after Quasar built app for production and the afterBuild hook (if specified) was executed.
Can use async/await or directly return a Promise.
* @param {function} fn
* () => ?Promise
* @param {object} opts
* * arg - argument supplied to "--publish"/"-P" parameter
* * distDir - folder where distributables were built
api.onPublish((api, opts) => {
// do something
@quasar/app-vite only
* @param {function} fn
* (viteConf: Object, invoke: Object {isClient, isServer}, api) => undefined
if (api.hasVite === true) {
api.extendViteConf((viteConf, { isClient, isServer }, api) => {
// add/remove/change Quasar CLI generated Vite config object
* @param {function} fn
* (esbuildConf: Object, api) => undefined
if (api.hasVite === true) {
api.extendSSRWebserverConf((esbuildConf, api) => {
// add/remove/change Quasar CLI generated esbuild config object
// that is used for the SSR webserver (includes SSR middlewares)
* @param {function} fn
* (esbuildConf: Object, api) => undefined
if (api.hasVite === true) {
api.extendElectronMainConf((esbuildConf, api) => {
// add/remove/change Quasar CLI generated esbuild config object
// that is used for the SSR webserver (includes SSR middlewares)
* @param {function} fn
* (esbuildConf: Object, api) => undefined
if (api.hasVite === true) {
api.extendElectronPreloadConf((esbuildConf, api) => {
// add/remove/change Quasar CLI generated esbuild config object
// that is used for the SSR webserver (includes SSR middlewares)
* @param {function} fn
* (esbuildConf: Object, api) => undefined
if (api.hasVite === true) {
api.extendPWACustomSWConf((esbuildConf, api) => {
// add/remove/change Quasar CLI generated esbuild config object
// that is used for the SSR webserver (includes SSR middlewares)
* @param {function} fn
* (esbuildConf: Object, api) => undefined
if (api.hasVite === true) {
api.extendBexScriptsConf((esbuildConf, api) => {
// add/remove/change Quasar CLI generated esbuild config object
// that is used for the SSR webserver (includes SSR middlewares)
@quasar/app-webpack only
Chain webpack config
* @param {function} fn
* (chain: ChainObject, invoke: Object {isClient, isServer}, api) => undefined
if (api.hasWebpack === true) {
api.chainWebpack((chain, { isClient, isServer }, api) => {
// add/remove/change chain (Webpack chain Object)
The configuration is a Webpack chain Object. The API for it is described on webpack-chain docs.
Extend webpack config
* @param {function} fn
* (cfg: Object, invoke: Object {isClient, isServer}, api) => undefined
if (api.hasWebpack === true) {
api.extendWebpack((cfg, { isClient, isServer }, api) => {
// add/remove/change cfg (Webpack configuration Object)
Chain webpack config of the main electron process
* @param {function} fn
* (chain: ChainObject) => undefined
if (api.hasWebpack === true) {
api.chainWebpackMainElectronProcess((chain, { isClient, isServer }, api) => {
// add/remove/change chain (Webpack chain Object)
Extend webpack config Object of the main electron process
* @param {function} fn
* (cfg: Object) => undefined
if (api.hasWebpack === true) {
api.extendWebpackMainElectronProcess((cfg, { isClient, isServer }, api) => {
// add/remove/change cfg (Webpack configuration Object)
Chain webpack config of the preload electron process
* @param {function} fn
* (chain: ChainObject) => undefined
if (api.hasWebpack === true) {
api.chainWebpackPreloadElectronProcess((chain, { isClient, isServer }, api) => {
// add/remove/change chain (Webpack chain Object)
Extend webpack config Object of the preload electron process
* @param {function} fn
* (cfg: Object) => undefined
if (api.hasWebpack === true) {
api.extendWebpackPreloadElectronProcess((cfg, { isClient, isServer }, api) => {
// add/remove/change cfg (Webpack configuration Object)
Chain webpack config of SSR webserver (includes the SSR middlewares from /src-ssr/middlewares)
* @param {function} fn
* (chain: ChainObject) => undefined
if (api.hasWebpack === true) {
api.chainWebpackWebserver ((chain, { isClient, isServer }, api) => {
// add/remove/change chain (Webpack chain Object)
// isClient is always "false" and isServer is always "true"
Extend webpack config Object of SSR webserver (includes the SSR middlewares from /src-ssr/middlewares)
* @param {function} fn
* (cfg: Object) => undefined
if (api.hasWebpack === true) {
api.extendWebpackWebserver((cfg, { isClient, isServer }, api) => {
// add/remove/change cfg (Webpack configuration Object)
// isClient is always "false" and isServer is always "true"
Chain webpack config for the custom service worker when using InjectManifest (content of /src-pwa/custom-service-worker.js):
* @param {function} fn
* (cfg: ChainObject) => undefined
if (api.hasWebpack === true) {
api.chainWebpackCustomSW ((cfg, { isClient, isServer }, api) => {
// add/remove/change cfg (Webpack chain Object)
Extend webpack config Object for the custom service worker when using InjectManifest (content of /src-pwa/custom-service-worker.js):
* @param {function} fn
* (chain: Object) => undefined
if (api.hasWebpack === true) {
api.extendWebpackCustomSW((chain, { isClient, isServer }, api) => {
// add/remove/change chain (Webpack configuration Object)