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App Routing

You’ll notice that your Quasar project contains a /src/router folder. This holds the routing configuration of your website/app:

  • “/src/router/index.js” holds the Vue Router initialization code
  • “/src/router/routes.js” holds the routes of your website/app


Quasar documentation assumes you are already familiar with Vue Router. Below it’s described only the basics of how to make use of it in a Quasar CLI project. For the full list of its features please visit the Vue Router documentation.

The /src/router/routes.js needs to import your website/app’s Pages and Layouts. Read more on Routing with Layouts and Pages documentation page.

When using Pinia the store is not directly importable from other scripts, but it is passed to the exported function of /src/router/index.js, so it can be accessed from there. For example you can use the Router.beforeEach method to check authentication in the router:

export default function ({ store /*, ssrContext */ }) {
  // ...
  const userStore = useUserStore(store)

  Router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
    if (to.matched.some(record => record.meta.requiresAuth) && !userStore.isSignedIn) {
      next({ name: 'account-signin', query: { next: to.fullPath } })
    } else {
  // ...


If you are developing a SSR app, then you can check out the ssrContext Object that gets supplied server-side.