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Background Script

The background script runs in the context of the BEX itself and can listen to all available browser extension events.


In Chrome with Manifest v3 your background script is actually a Service Worker. This does not currently apply to Firefox with Manifest v3 (yet).

Registering a background script

Your /src-bex/manifest.json is the central point that defines your BEX. This is the place where you also define your background script(s):


"chrome": {
  "background": {
    "service_worker": "background.js"

"firefox": {
  "background": {
    "scripts": [ "background.js" ]

For TS devs

Your background and content scripts have the .ts extension. Use that extension in the manifest.json file as well! Examples: “background.ts”, “my-content-script.ts”. While the browser vendors do support only the .js extension, Quasar CLI will convert the file extensions automatically.

Case study

Let’s say we want to listen for a new tab being opened in the web browser and then react to it in our Quasar App. First, we’d need to listen for the new tab being opened and emit a new event to tell the Quasar App this has happened:


 * Importing the file below initializes the extension background.
 * Warnings:
 * 1. Do NOT remove the import statement below. It is required for the extension to work.
 *    If you don't need createBridge(), leave it as "import '#q-app/bex/background'".
 * 2. Do NOT import this file in multiple background scripts. Only in one!
 * 3. Import it in your background service worker (if available for your target browser).
import { createBridge } from '#q-app/bex/background'

const bridge = createBridge({ debug: false })

chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((tabId, changeInfo, tab) => {
  bridge.send('bex.tab.opened', { url: tab.url })

Then in our Quasar App, we’d listen for this in one of our component lifecycle hooks, like so:

/Quasar App, /src

import { useQuasar } from 'quasar'
import { onBeforeUnmount } from 'vue'

export default {
  setup () {
    const $q = useQuasar()

    // Our function which receives the URL sent by the background script.
    function doOnTabOpened (url) {
      console.log('New Browser Tab Openend: ', url)

    // Add our listener
    $q.bex.on('bex.tab.opened', doOnTabOpened)

    // Don't forget to clean it up
    onBeforeUnmount(() => {
      $q.bex.off('bex.tab.opened', doOnTabOpened)

    return {}

There are wide variety of events available to the browser extension background script - Google is your friend if you’re trying to do something in this area.