The useDialogPluginComponent composable is part of Quasar Dialog Plugin (Invoking custom component). If you haven’t dug into it by now, please have a first read there.
This composable is to be used on the custom components which a Dialog plugin is invoked with. It will bootstrap all the necessary communication of the component with the plugin.
import { useDialogPluginComponent } from 'quasar'
setup () {
const { dialogRef, onDialogHide, onDialogOK, onDialogCancel } = useDialogPluginComponent()
// dialogRef - Vue ref to be applied to QDialog
// onDialogHide - Function to be used as handler for @hide on QDialog
// onDialogOK - Function to call to settle dialog with "ok" outcome
// example: onDialogOK() - no payload
// example: onDialogOK({ /*.../* }) - with payload
// onDialogCancel - Function to call to settle dialog with "cancel" outcome
return {
Full example
<!-- notice dialogRef here -->
<q-dialog ref="dialogRef" @hide="onDialogHide">
<q-card class="q-dialog-plugin">
... use q-card-section for it?
<!-- buttons example -->
<q-card-actions align="right">
<q-btn color="primary" label="OK" @click="onOKClick" />
<q-btn color="primary" label="Cancel" @click="onCancelClick" />
import { useDialogPluginComponent } from 'quasar'
export default {
props: {
// ...your custom props
emits: [
// REQUIRED; need to specify some events that your
// component will emit through useDialogPluginComponent()
setup () {
// REQUIRED; must be called inside of setup()
const { dialogRef, onDialogHide, onDialogOK, onDialogCancel } = useDialogPluginComponent()
// dialogRef - Vue ref to be applied to QDialog
// onDialogHide - Function to be used as handler for @hide on QDialog
// onDialogOK - Function to call to settle dialog with "ok" outcome
// example: onDialogOK() - no payload
// example: onDialogOK({ /*.../* }) - with payload
// onDialogCancel - Function to call to settle dialog with "cancel" outcome
return {
// This is REQUIRED;
// Need to inject these (from useDialogPluginComponent() call)
// into the vue scope for the vue html template
// other methods that we used in our vue html template;
// these are part of our example (so not required)
onOKClick () {
// on OK, it is REQUIRED to
// call onDialogOK (with optional payload)
// or with payload: onDialogOK({ ... })
// ...and it will also hide the dialog automatically
// we can passthrough onDialogCancel directly
onCancelClick: onDialogCancel