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QTable is a component that allows you to display data in a tabular manner. It’s generally called a datatable. It packs the following main features:

  • Filtering
  • Sorting
  • Single / Multiple rows selection with custom selection actions
  • Pagination (including server-side if required)
  • Grid mode (you can use for example QCards to display data in a non-tabular manner)
  • Total customization of rows and cells through scoped slots
  • Ability to add additional row(s) at top or bottom of data rows
  • Column picker (through QTableColumns component described in one of the sections)
  • Custom top and/or bottom Table controls
  • Responsive design


If you don’t need pagination, sorting, filtering, and all other features of QTable, then you may want to check out QMarkupTable component instead.

Loading QTable API...
Loading QTh API...
Loading QTr API...
Loading QTd API...

Defining the columns

Let’s take an example of configuring the columns property. We are going to tell QTable that row-key is ‘name’, which must be unique. If this was data fetched from a database we would likely use the row id.

columns: [ // array of Objects
  // column Object definition
    // unique id
    // identifies column
    // (used by pagination.sortBy, "body-cell-[name]" slot, ...)
    name: 'desc',

    // label for header
    label: 'Dessert (100g serving)',

    // row Object property to determine value for this column
    field: 'name',
    // OR field: row => row.some.nested.prop,

    // (optional) if we use visible-columns, this col will always be visible
    required: true,

    // (optional) alignment
    align: 'left',

    // (optional) tell QTable you want this column sortable
    sortable: true,

    // (optional) compare function if you have
    // some custom data or want a specific way to compare two rows
    // --> note that rows with null/undefined as value will get auto sorted
    // without calling this method (if you want to handle those as well, use "rawSort" instead)
    sort: (a, b, rowA, rowB) => parseInt(a, 10) - parseInt(b, 10),
    // function return value:
    //   * is less than 0 then sort a to an index lower than b, i.e. a comes first
    //   * is 0 then leave a and b unchanged with respect to each other, but sorted with respect to all different elements
    //   * is greater than 0 then sort b to an index lower than a, i.e. b comes first

    // (optional) requires Quasar v2.13+
    // compare function if you have
    // some custom data or want a specific way to compare two rows
    // --> note that there is an alternative "sort" method (above) if you don't
    // want to handle (by yourself) rows with null/undefined as value
    rawSort: (a, b, rowA, rowB) => parseInt(a, 10) - parseInt(b, 10),
    // has the same return value as the alternative "sort" method above

    // (optional) override 'column-sort-order' prop;
    // sets column sort order: 'ad' (ascending-descending) or 'da' (descending-ascending)
    sortOrder: 'ad', // or 'da'

    // (optional) you can format the data with a function
    format: (val, row) => `${val}%`,
    // one more format example:
    // format: val => val
    //   ? /* Unicode checkmark checked */ "\u2611"
    //   : /* Unicode checkmark unchecked */ "\u2610",

    // body td:
    style: 'width: 500px',
    // or as Function --> style: row => ... (return String/Array/Object)
    classes: 'my-special-class',
    // or as Function --> classes: row => ... (return String)

    // header th:
    headerStyle: 'width: 500px',
    headerClasses: 'my-special-class'
  { name: 'calories', label: 'Calories', field: 'calories', sortable: true },
  { name: 'fat', label: 'Fat (g)', field: 'fat', sortable: true },
  { name: 'carbs', label: 'Carbs (g)', field: 'carbs' },
  { name: 'protein', label: 'Protein (g)', field: 'protein' },
  { name: 'sodium', label: 'Sodium (mg)', field: 'sodium' },
  { name: 'calcium', label: 'Calcium (%)', field: 'calcium', sortable: true, sort: (a, b) => parseInt(a, 10) - parseInt(b, 10) },
  { name: 'iron', label: 'Iron (%)', field: 'iron', sortable: true, sort: (a, b) => parseInt(a, 10) - parseInt(b, 10) }

Basic usage


Force dark mode



You can use the dense prop along with $q.screen to create a responsive behavior. Example: :dense="$q.screen.lt.md". More info: Screen Plugin.

Omitting columns definition

You can omit specifying the columns. QTable will infer the columns from the properties of the first row of the data. Note that labels are uppercased and sorting is enabled:

Infering columns from data

Sticky header/column


Sticky headers and columns are achieved through CSS with position: sticky. This is NOT supported on all browsers. Check caniuse.com before using this technique.


Pay attention to the code in the “style” section in the following examples, especially around position: sticky.

Sticky header

Sticky first column

Sticky last column

Sticky header and column

Sticky header and last column




Custom column


For all the styling component properties, please check the API card at the top of the page.

Custom coloring

Virtual scrolling

Notice that when enabling virtual scroll you will need to specify the table-style (with a max-height) prop. In the example below, we are also forcing QTable to display all rows at once (note the use of pagination and rows-per-page-options props).

Basic virtual scroll

You can dynamically load new rows when scroll reaches the end:

Dynamic loading virtual scroll

You can have both virtual scroll and pagination:

Virtual scroll and pagination

The example below shows how virtual scroll can be used along with a sticky header. Notice the virtual-scroll-sticky-start prop which is set to the header height.

Virtual scroll with sticky header

There are 2 utility CSS classes that control VirtualScroll size calculation:

  • Use q-virtual-scroll--with-prev class on an element rendered by the VirtualScroll to indicate that the element should be grouped with the previous one (main use case is for multiple table rows generated from the same row of data).
  • Use q-virtual-scroll--skip class on an element rendered by the VirtualScroll to indicate that the element’s size should be ignored in size calculations.
Virtual scroll with multiple rows for a data row



The property row-key must be set in order for selection to work properly.

Single selection

Multiple selection

Selection cell slots

Selection cell slots with range selection

Custom multiple selection

Visible columns, custom top, fullscreen

Please note that columns marked as required (in the column definition) cannot be toggled and are always visible.

Visible columns, custom top and fullscreen

Visible columns


Below is an example with the user being able to edit “in place” with the help of QPopupEdit component. Please note that we are using the body scoped slot. QPopupEdit won’t work with cell scoped slots.

Popup editing

Editing with an input

Input editing

Grid style


You can use the grid prop along with $q.screen to create a responsive behavior. Example: :grid="$q.screen.lt.md". More info: Screen Plugin.

In the example below, we let QTable deal with displaying the grid mode (not using the specific slot):

Grid style

Grid with header

Colored grid style

Masonry like grid

However, if you want to fully customize the content, check the example below, where:

  • We are using a Vue scoped slot called item to define how each record (the equivalent of a row in non-grid mode) should look. This allows you total freedom.
  • We are using multiple selection.
Grid style with slot

Expanding rows


Add unique (distinct) key on QTr if you generate more than one QTr from a row in data.

Internal expansion model

An external expansion model can also be used:

External expansion model

If you are using virtual scroll with QTable, you should know that there are 2 utility CSS classes that control VirtualScroll size calculation:

  • Use q-virtual-scroll--with-prev class on an element rendered by the VirtualScroll to indicate that the element should be grouped with the previous one (main use case is for multiple table rows generated from the same row of data).
  • Use q-virtual-scroll--skip class on an element rendered by the VirtualScroll to indicate that the element’s size should be ignored in size calculations.
Virtual scroll with expansion model

Before/after slots



When pagination has a property named rowsNumber, then this means that you’ll be configuring Table for server-side pagination (& sorting & filtering). See “Server side pagination, filter and sorting” section.

Below are two examples of handling the pagination (and sorting and rows per page).

The first example highlights how to configure the initial pagination:

Initial pagination

The second example uses the “v-model:pagination” directive because we want to access its current value at any time. A use-case for the technique below can be to control the pagination from outside of QTable.

Synchronized pagination

Pagination slot

For learning purposes, we will customize the pagination controls with the default controls in order to help you get started with your own.

Pagination slot

Loading state

Default loading

Custom loading state

Custom top

Custom top with add/remove row

Body slots

The example below shows how you can use a slot to customize the entire row:

Body slot

Below, we use a slot which gets applied to each body cell:

Body-cell slot

We can also customize only one particular column only. The syntax for this slot is body-cell-[name], where [name] should be replaced by the property of each row which is used as the row-key.

Body-cell-[name] slot

Header slots

The example below shows how you can use a slot to customize the entire header row:

Header slot

Below, we use a slot which gets applied to each header cell:

Header-cell slot

We can also customize only one particular header cell only. The syntax for this slot is header-cell-[name], where [name] should be replaced by the property of each row which is used as the row-key.

Header-cell-[name] slot

No data

No Data Label

There is also a “no-data” scoped slot (see below) that you can also to customize the messages for both when a filter doesn’t returns any results or the table has no data to display. Also type something into the “Search” input.

No Data Slot

Handling bottom layer

There are a few properties that you can use to hide the bottom layer or specific parts of it. You can play with it below:

Hiding bottom layer

Custom sorting

Custom sorting

Responsive tables

In order to create responsive tables, we have two tools at our disposal: dense and grid properties. We can connect these with $q.screen. More info: Screen Plugin.

First example below uses $q.screen.lt.md (for enabling dense mode) and the second examples uses $q.screen.xs to enable grid mode, so play with browser width to see them in action.

Using dense prop

Using grid prop

Server side pagination, filter and sorting

When your database contains a big number of rows for a Table, obviously it’s not feasible to load them all for multiple reasons (memory, UI rendering performance, …). Instead, you can load only a Table page. Whenever the user wants to navigate to another Table page, or wants to sort by a column or wants to filter the Table, a request is sent to the server to fetch the partially paged data.

  1. First step to enable this behavior is to specify pagination prop, which MUST contain rowsNumber. QTable needs to know the total number of rows available in order to correctly render the pagination links. Should filtering cause the rowsNumber to change then it must be modified dynamically.

  2. Second step is to listen for @request event on QTable. This event is triggered when data needs to be fetched from the server because either page number or sorting or filtering changed.

  3. It’s best that you also specify the loading prop in order to notify the user that a background process is in progress.


In the example below, steps have been taken to emulate an ajax call to a server. While the concepts are similar, if you use this code you will need to make the appropriate changes to connect to your own data source.

Synchronizing with server

Exporting data

Below is an example of a naive csv encoding and then exporting table data by using the exportFile Quasar util. The browser should trigger a file download. For a more professional approach in regards to encoding we do recommend using csv-parse and csv-stringify packages.


You could also make use of the filteredSortedRows internal computed property of QTable should you want to export the user filtered + sorted data.

Export to csv

Keyboard navigation

Below is an example of keyboard navigation in the table using selected row. Use ArrowUp, ArrowDown, PageUp, PageDown, Home and End keys to navigate.

Keyboard navigation