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Tab Panels

Tab panels are a way of displaying more information using less window real estate.


Works great along with QTabs but it is not required to be used with it.

Loading QTabPanels API...
Loading QTabPanel API...



  • Works great along with QTabs, a component which offers a nice way to select the active tab panel to display.
  • If the QTabpanel content also has images and you want to use swipe actions to navigate, you might want to add draggable="false" to them, otherwise the native browser behavior might interfere in a negative way.


Do not be mistaken by the “QTabPanels” component name. Panels do not require QTabs. They can be used as standalone too.

Keep Alive

  • Please take notice of the Boolean keep-alive prop for QTabPanels, if you need this behavior. Do NOT use Vue’s native <keep-alive> component over QTabPanel.
  • Should you need the keep-alive-include or keep-alive-exclude props then the QTabPanel names must be valid Vue component names (no spaces allowed, don’t start with a number etc).



With QTabs


QTabPanels can be used as standalone too. They do not depend on the presence of a QTabs. Also, they can be placed anywhere within a page, not just near QTabs.

With QTabs

A more complex example



With vertical QTabs and QSplitter

With vertical QTabs and QSplitter

For a full list of transitions, please check out Transitions.

Custom transitions

Custom transition examples

In the example below, use your mouse to swipe through the panels or, if on a touch capable device, swipe with your fingers.

Swipeable and infinite

Swipeable and infinite

Vertical swipeable and infinite

Vertical swipeable and infinite