The background script runs in the context of the BEX itself and can listen to all available browser extension events.
In Chrome with Manifest v3 your background script is actually a Service Worker. This does not currently apply to Firefox with Manifest v3 (yet).
Registering a background script
Your /src-bex/manifest.json
is the central point that defines your BEX. This is the place where you also define your background script(s):
"chrome": {
"background": {
"service_worker": "background.js"
"firefox": {
"background": {
"scripts": [ "background.js" ]
For TS devs
Your background and content scripts have the .ts
extension. Use that extension in the manifest.json file as well! Examples: “background.ts”, “my-content-script.ts”. While the browser vendors do support only the .js
extension, Quasar CLI will convert the file extensions automatically.
Case study
Let’s say we want to listen for a new tab being opened in the web browser and then react to it in our Quasar App. First, we’d need to listen for the new tab being opened and emit a new event to tell the Quasar App this has happened:
* Importing the file below initializes the extension background.
* Warnings:
* 1. Do NOT remove the import statement below. It is required for the extension to work.
* If you don't need createBridge(), leave it as "import '#q-app/bex/background'".
* 2. Do NOT import this file in multiple background scripts. Only in one!
* 3. Import it in your background service worker (if available for your target browser).
import { createBridge } from '#q-app/bex/background'
const bridge = createBridge({ debug: false })
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((tabId, changeInfo, tab) => {
bridge.send('', { url: tab.url })
Then in our Quasar App, we’d listen for this in one of our component lifecycle hooks, like so:
import { useQuasar } from 'quasar'
import { onBeforeUnmount } from 'vue'
export default {
setup () {
const $q = useQuasar()
// Our function which receives the URL sent by the background script.
function doOnTabOpened (url) {
console.log('New Browser Tab Openend: ', url)
// Add our listener
$q.bex.on('', doOnTabOpened)
// Don't forget to clean it up
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
$'', doOnTabOpened)
return {}
There are wide variety of events available to the browser extension background script - Google is your friend if you’re trying to do something in this area.