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SSR Webserver

Notice that your generated /src-ssr contains a file named server.js. This file defines how your SSR webserver is created, managed and served. You can start listening to a port or provide a handler for your serverless infrastructure to use. It’s up to you.


The /src-ssr/server.js file is a simple JavaScript/Typescript file which boots up your SSR webserver and defines what how your webserver starts & handles requests and what it exports (if exporting anything).


The /src-ssr/server.js file is used for both DEV and PROD, so please be careful on how you configure it. To differentiate between the two states you can use process∙env∙DEV and process∙env∙PROD.

 * Runs in Node context.

 * Make sure to yarn/npm/pnpm/bun install (in your project root)
 * anything you import here (except for express and compression).
import express from 'express'
import compression from 'compression'
import {
} from '#q-app/wrappers'

 * Create your webserver and return its instance.
 * If needed, prepare your webserver to receive
 * connect-like middlewares.
 * Can be async: defineSsrCreate(async ({ ... }) => { ... })
 * Param: ({
 *   port, // on dev: devServer port; on prod: process.env.PORT or quasar.config > ssr > prodPort
 *   resolve: {
 *      urlPath, // (url) => path string with publicPath ensured to be included,
 *      root, // (pathPart1, ...pathPartN) => path string (joins to the root folder),
 *      public // (pathPart1, ...pathPartN) => path string (joins to the public folder)
 *   },
 *   publicPath, // string
 *   folders: {
 *     root, // path string of the root folder
 *     public // path string of the public folder
 *   },
 *   render // (ssrContext) => html string
 * })
export const create = defineSsrCreate((/* { ... } */) => {
  const app = express()

  // attackers can use this header to detect apps running Express
  // and then launch specifically-targeted attacks

  // place here any middlewares that
  // absolutely need to run before anything else
  if (process.env.PROD) {

  return app

 * You need to make the server listen to the indicated port
 * and return the listening instance or whatever you need to
 * close the server with.
 * The "listenResult" param for the "close()" definition below
 * is what you return here.
 * For production, you can instead export your
 * handler for serverless use or whatever else fits your needs.
 * Can be async: defineSsrListen(async ({ app, devHttpsApp, port }) => { ... })
 * Param: ({
 *   app, // Expressjs app or whatever is returned from create()
 *   devHttpsApp, // DEV only, if using HTTPS
 *   port, // on dev: devServer port; on prod: process.env.PORT or quasar.config > ssr > prodPort
 *   resolve: {
 *      urlPath, // (url) => path string with publicPath ensured to be included,
 *      root, // (pathPart1, ...pathPartN) => path string (joins to the root folder),
 *      public // (pathPart1, ...pathPartN) => path string (joins to the public folder)
 *   },
 *   publicPath, // string
 *   folders: {
 *     root, // path string of the root folder
 *     public // path string of the public folder
 *   },
 *   render, // (ssrContext) => html string
 *   serve: {
 *     static, // ({ urlPath = '/', pathToServe = '.', opts = {} }) => void (OR whatever returned by serveStaticContent())
 *     error // DEV only; ({ err, req, res }) => void
 *   },
 * })
export const listen = defineSsrListen(({ app, devHttpsApp, port }) => {
  const server = devHttpsApp || app
  return server.listen(port, () => {
    if (process.env.PROD) {
      console.log('Server listening at port ' + port)

 * Should close the server and free up any resources.
 * Will be used on development only when the server needs
 * to be rebooted.
 * Should you need the result of the "listen()" call above,
 * you can use the "listenResult" param.
 * Can be async: defineSsrClose(async ({ listenResult }) => { ... })
 * Param: ({
 *   app, // Expressjs app or whatever is returned from create()
 *   devHttpsApp, // DEV only, if using HTTPS
 *   port, // on dev: devServer port; on prod: process.env.PORT or quasar.config > ssr > prodPort
 *   resolve: {
 *      urlPath, // (url) => path string with publicPath ensured to be included,
 *      root, // (pathPart1, ...pathPartN) => path string (joins to the root folder),
 *      public // (pathPart1, ...pathPartN) => path string (joins to the public folder)
 *   },
 *   publicPath, // string
 *   folders: {
 *     root, // path string of the root folder
 *     public // path string of the public folder
 *   },
 *   serve: {
 *     static, // ({ urlPath = '/', pathToServe = '.', opts = {} }) => void (OR whatever returned by serveStaticContent())
 *     error // DEV only; ({ err, req, res }) => void
 *   },
 *   render, // (ssrContext) => html string
 *   listenResult // whatever returned from listen()
 * })
export const close = defineSsrClose(({ listenResult }) => {
  return listenResult.close()

const maxAge = process.env.DEV
  ? 0
  : 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30

 * Should return a function that will be used to configure the webserver
 * to serve static content at "urlPath" from "pathToServe" folder/file.
 * Notice resolve.urlPath(urlPath) and resolve.public(pathToServe) usages.
 * Can be async: defineSsrServeStaticContent(async ({ app, resolve }) => {
 * Can return an async function: return async ({ urlPath = '/', pathToServe = '.', opts = {} }) => {
 * Param: ({
 *   app, // Expressjs app or whatever is returned from create()
 *   port, // on dev: devServer port; on prod: process.env.PORT or quasar.config > ssr > prodPort
 *   resolve: {
 *      urlPath: (url) => path string with publicPath ensured to be included,
 *      root: (pathPart1, ...pathPartN) => path string (joins to the root folder),
 *      public: (pathPart1, ...pathPartN) => path string (joins to the public folder)
 *   },
 *   publicPath, // string
 *   folders: {
 *     root, // path string of the root folder
 *     public // path string of the public folder
 *   },
 *   render: (ssrContext) => html string
 * })
export const serveStaticContent = defineSsrServeStaticContent(({ app, resolve }) => {
  return ({ urlPath = '/', pathToServe = '.', opts = {} }) => {
    const serveFn = express.static(resolve.public(pathToServe), { maxAge, ...opts })
    app.use(resolve.urlPath(urlPath), serveFn)

const jsRE = /\.js$/
const cssRE = /\.css$/
const woffRE = /\.woff$/
const woff2RE = /\.woff2$/
const gifRE = /\.gif$/
const jpgRE = /\.jpe?g$/
const pngRE = /\.png$/

 * Should return a String with HTML output
 * (if any) for preloading indicated file
export const renderPreloadTag = defineSsrRenderPreloadTag((file/* , { ssrContext } */) => {
  if (jsRE.test(file) === true) {
    return `<script src="${file}" defer crossorigin></script>`

  if (cssRE.test(file) === true) {
    return `<link rel="stylesheet" href="${file}" crossorigin>`

  if (woffRE.test(file) === true) {
    return `<link rel="preload" href="${file}" as="font" type="font/woff" crossorigin>`

  if (woff2RE.test(file) === true) {
    return `<link rel="preload" href="${file}" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin>`

  if (gifRE.test(file) === true) {
    return `<link rel="preload" href="${file}" as="image" type="image/gif" crossorigin>`

  if (jpgRE.test(file) === true) {
    return `<link rel="preload" href="${file}" as="image" type="image/jpeg" crossorigin>`

  if (pngRE.test(file) === true) {
    return `<link rel="preload" href="${file}" as="image" type="image/png" crossorigin>`

  return ''


Remember that whatever the listen() function returns (if anything) will be exported from your built dist/ssr/index.js. You can return your ssrHandler for a serverless architecture should you need it.



  • If you import anything from node_modules, then make sure that the package is specified in package.json > “dependencies” and NOT in “devDependencies”.
  • This is usually not the place to add middlewares (but you can do it). Add middlewares by using the SSR Middlewares instead. You can configure SSR Middlewares to run only for dev or only for production too.

Replacing express.js

You can replace the default Express.js Node server with any other connect API compatible one. Just make sure to yarn/npm install its package first.


import { defineSsrCreate } from '#q-app/wrappers'
import connect from 'connect'
import compression from 'compression'

export const create = defineSsrCreate((/* { ... } */) => {
  const app = connect()

  // place here any middlewares that
  // absolutely need to run before anything else
  if (process.env.PROD) {

  return app

Listen on a port

This is the default option that you get when adding SSR support in a Quasar CLI project. It starts listening on the configured port (process∙env∙PORT or quasar.config file > ssr > prodPort).


export const listen = defineSsrListen(({ app, devHttpsApp, port }) => {
  const server = devHttpsApp || app;
  return server.listen(port, () => {
    if (process.env.PROD) {
      console.log('Server listening at port ' + port);


If you have a serverless infrastructure, then you generally need to export a handler instead of starting to listen to a port.

Say that your serverless service requires you to name export a variable called handler. Then what you’d need to do is:


import { defineSsrListen } from '#q-app/wrappers'
export const listen = defineSsrListen(({ app, devHttpsApp, port }) => {
  if (process.env.DEV) {
    // for dev, start listening on the created server
    const server = devHttpsApp || app;
    return server.listen(port, () => {
      // we're ready to serve clients
  else { // in production
    // return an object with a "handler" property
    // that the server script will be named-export
    return { handler: app }

Please note that the provided app is a Function of form: (req, res, next) => void. Should you require to export a handler of form (event, context, callback) => void then you will most likely want to use the serverless-http package (see below).

Example: serverless-http

You will need to manually yarn/npm install the serverless-http package.


import { defineSsrListen } from '#q-app/wrappers'
import serverless from 'serverless-http'

export const listen = defineSsrListen(({ app, devHttpsApp, port }) => {
  if (process.env.DEV) {
    // for dev, start listening on the created server
    const server = devHttpsApp || app;
    return server.listen(port, () => {
      // we're ready to serve clients
  else { // in production
    return { handler: serverless(app) }

Example: Firebase function


import { defineSsrListen } from '#q-app/wrappers'
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions'

export const listen = defineSsrListen(({ app, devHttpsApp, port }) => {
  if (process.env.DEV) {
    // for dev, start listening on the created server
    const server = devHttpsApp || app;
    return server.listen(port, () => {
      // we're ready to serve clients
  else { // in production
    return {
      handler: functions.https.onRequest(app)