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Having a code linter (like ESLint) in place is highly recommended and ensures your code looks legible. It also helps you capture some errors before even running the code.

When you scaffold a Quasar project folder it will ask you if you want a linter and which setup you want for ESLint:

Two dot files will be created:

  • .eslintrc.cjs – ESLint configuration, including rules
  • .eslintignore – what ESLint should ignore when linting

Further extension of one of the ESLint setups above can be made. Your project will by default use eslint-plugin-vue to handle your Vue files. Take a quick look at /.eslintrc.cjs and notice it:


extends: [
  // https://eslint.vuejs.org/rules/#priority-a-essential-error-prevention-for-vue-js-3-x
  // consider switching to `plugin:vue/strongly-recommended` or `plugin:vue/recommended` for stricter rules.

Also note that you need the following file:



Lint Rules

The linting rules can be removed, changed, or added. Notice some things:

  • Some rules are for the Standard, Airbnb or Prettier standards (whichever you chose when project was created). Example: ‘brace-style’.
  • Some rules are for eslint-plugin-vue. Example: ‘vue/max-attributes-per-line’.

You can add/remove/change rules by first visiting https://eslint.org/docs/rules/ or https://eslint.vuejs.org/rules.

Example of ESLint rules below:


'rules': {
  'brace-style': [2, 'stroustrup', { 'allowSingleLine': true }],

  'vue/max-attributes-per-line': 0,
  'vue/valid-v-for': 0,

  // allow async-await
  'generator-star-spacing': 'off',

  // allow paren-less arrow functions
  'arrow-parens': 0,
  'one-var': 0,

  'import/first': 0,
  'import/named': 2,
  'import/namespace': 2,
  'import/default': 2,
  'import/export': 2,
  'import/extensions': 0,
  'import/no-unresolved': 0,
  'import/no-extraneous-dependencies': 0,

  // allow debugger during development
  'no-debugger': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 2 : 0

Typescript projects linting

The linting for a TS project is based on vite-plugin-checker + ESLint + vue-tsc:

$ yarn add --dev vite-plugin-checker vue-tsc@2 typescript@^5.5.3


Notice the typescript dependency is <= 5.3. There is currently an issue with ESLint and newer TS (5.4+). This is only a temporary thing until upstream fixes it.

Create a file called tsconfig.vue-tsc.json in the root of your project folder:


  "extends": "./tsconfig.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "skipLibCheck": true
/quasar.config file

build: {
  vitePlugins: [
    ['vite-plugin-checker', {
      vueTsc: {
        tsconfigPath: 'tsconfig.vue-tsc.json'
      eslint: {
        lintCommand: 'eslint "./**/*.{js,ts,mjs,cjs,vue}"'
    }, { server: false }]

Javascript projects linting

The linting for a JS project is based on vite-plugin-checker + ESLint:

$ yarn add --dev vite-plugin-checker
/quasar.config file

build: {
  vitePlugins: [
    ['vite-plugin-checker', {
      eslint: {
        lintCommand: 'eslint "./**/*.{js,mjs,cjs,vue}"'
    }, { server: false }]

quasar.config file > eslint


The property described below has been deprecated in favour of using vite-plugin-checker.

If you chose ESLint when creating your project folder, you’ll also notice that the eslint key is added to the /quasar.config file:

/quasar.config file

eslint: {
  // fix: true,
  // include: [],
  // exclude: [],
  // rawOptions: {},
  warnings: true,
  errors: true
/quasar.config file > eslint

/** Options with which Quasar CLI will use ESLint */
eslint?: QuasarEslintConfiguration;

interface QuasarEslintConfiguration {
   * Should it report warnings?
   * @default true
  warnings?: boolean;

   * Should it report errors?
   * @default true
  errors?: boolean;

   * Fix on save
  fix?: boolean;

   * Raw options to send to ESLint
  rawOptions?: object;

   * Files to include (can be in glob format)
  include?: string[];

   * Files to exclude (can be in glob format).
   * Recommending to use .eslintignore file instead.
  exclude?: string[];

In order for you to disable ESLint later, all you need to do is to:

  1. Comment out (or remove) the key below:
/quasar.config file

eslint: { /* ... */ }
  1. Or, set warnings and errors to false:
/quasar.config file

eslint: {
  warnings: false,
  errors: false